5 facts about europe's topography

France is known for being a world power and has been an economic and cultural center of Europe for hundreds of years. As part of an international agreement signed at the conference, all 27 member states of the European Union agreed to reduce carbon emissions by 20 percent by 2020 (from 1990 levels).The EU also notified the UN of a conditional offer to increase this cut to 30 percent, provided that other major emitters agree to take on their fair share of a global reduction effort. This conditional offer illustrates the tension that was present at the conference between developed countries high carbon emissions and developing countries low or rising carbon use. When it . Critics argue the move was racist.Future IssuesAn important predictor of Europes political and economic future is its efforts to minimize the effects of climate change.Europe is often seen as a world leader in environmentally friendly technologies and legislation. [3] [4] It is bordered to the north and northeast by Russia, to the . The euro is the second-most popular currency (behind the American dollar) and is used daily by more than 320 million people. (The East and North European plains are known together as the European Plain.) 84% of people in the Netherlands own at least one bicycle. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. World War II also left more than 40 million refugees, contributed to the independence of European colonies throughout the world, and devastated the urban infrastructure of many European cities.As a result of the devastation of World War II, Western Europes leadership in global politics diminished. Ireland is an island nation on the westernmost edge of Europe. The central uplands and plateaus present distinctive landscapes of rounded summits, steep slopes, valleys, and depressions. These camps were mostly populated by Roma, also called Gypsies. As glaciers receded from the area, they left a number of distinct physical features, including abundant marshlands, lakes, and fjords. Imperialism is a policy of extending a nations power and influence through diplomacy or military force. This region is sparsely populated except in the Rhine, Rhne, Elbe, and Danube river valleys.Alpine MountainsThe Alpine Mountains include ranges in the Italian and Balkan peninsulas, northern Spain, and southern France. During the Middle Ages, dominant European powers conquered the strategically important mountain territory of the Alps. Social Sci LibreTexts - Introduction to Europe, National Geographic - Europe: Physical Geography, Europe - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Europe - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), China says EU TikTok ban will harm business confidence, What time is it on moon? Topographic maps (often called topo maps for short) are large scale maps, often greater than 1:50,000, which means that one inch on the map equals 50,000 inches on the ground. 3. Physical features, weather-related phenomena, and local resources had a deep impact on how historic European cultures prospered, interacted, and believed their world worked.The geography and climate of the Mediterranean region, for example, directly influenced Greek mythology. From the Greek perspective then, Europa was culturally backward and scantily settled. 1. Trade relations beyond its frontiers also drew the remoter regions into its sphere. From the smallest town in the world to the biggest church on earth, and from a knighted penguin to a country free of mosquitoes, there are hundreds of random and fun facts about Europe. Ive enjoyed my journey through some facts of European geography hope you did too! Fortuitously, Europe has no continuous mountain obstacle aligned north-south, corresponding, for example, to the Western Cordillera of North America and the Andes Mountains of South America, that would limit access into western Europe from the ocean. Moose, bear, and elk (Cervus canadensis) are native to the European taiga.Just south of the taiga is a mixture of coniferous and deciduous trees, including beech, ash, poplar, and willow. Kazakhstan. It is 1733 meters (5,686 feet) deep and is located near the Swiss and Italian borders, in the area of the Savoy Alps close to the village of Samoens. By supporting this policy, the European Union hopes it will strengthen social, educational, professional, and economic ties in Europe and make the continent more competitive in global markets.Europes cultural products also help unify the region. Reindeer herding is still an important aspect of Sami culture, which continues to thrive in northern Scandinavia and Russias Kola Peninsula.Distinct physical features had a lasting impact on how European cultures communicated with each other. Desert climates are found in the European portion of Kazakhstan and South Eastern Spain. CORDIS website requires JavaScript enabled in order to work properly. The cold water surrounding northern Britain and Scandinavia is home to unique species of cold-water corals. The map was produced using a Lambert conformal conic projection, with standard parallels at 40 degrees north . Europes largest islands and archipelagoes include Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land, Svalbard, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, the British Isles, the Balearic Islands, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Crete, and Cyprus. The Danubian and northern Italian lowlands are thus mountain-ringed islands. It runs for 2,294 miles through central Russia. Updates? It is home to many navigable rivers, including the Rhine, Weser, Elbe, Oder, and Vistula. The northern lowlands are areas of glacial deposition, and, accordingly, their surface is diversified by such features as the Valdai Hills of western Russia; by deposits of boulder clay, sands, and gravels; by glacial lakes; and by the Pripet Marshes, a large ill-drained area of Belarus and Ukraine. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. The low starting elevation makes the Volga a slow flowing river. Topography is the study of the Earth's surface. The western part of the continent clearly has a high proportion of coastline with good maritime access and often with . The major peninsula of Scandinavia is mostly upland and highland, with its relief greatest at the descent to the Norwegian fjords and the sea; eastward and southward the seas are approached more gently. In spite of its internal diversity, Europe has thus functioned, from the time it first emerged in the human consciousness, as a world apart, concentratingto borrow a phrase from Christopher Marloweinfinite riches in a little room.. As a continent with hugely diverse topography, the geographical facts about Europe are going to be an interesting collection. An arc of uplands also exists along the northwestern seaboard, beginning in southwestern Ireland, continuing across through western and northern Great Britain, and up along the mountainous, fjord-cut spine of Norway. East of the Vistula River, Europes expansive lowlands have something of the scale and character of those of northern Asia. Most Greek gods and goddesses are representations of the active physical elements that made up the local landscape. Nations that use the euro as a unit of currency are called the eurozone.Leadership of the EU, split among different branches and institutions, is a working model of international cooperation. You cannot download interactives. Europe Facts | Religion: Most of the European people are Christians (76%) and there are smaller numbers of Muslims (6%) and Jews and other beliefs. The Louvre is the most visited attraction in Europe The principal articles discussing the historical and cultural development of the continent include history of Europe; European exploration; Western colonialism; Aegean civilizations; ancient Greek civilization; ancient Rome; Byzantine Empire; and Holy Roman Empire. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. It is the continent's second largest island (after Great Britain). Only Oceania has less landmass. Europe is a peninsula of the Eurasian supercontinent and is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Seas to the south.Europe's main peninsulas are the Iberian, Italian, and Balkan, located in southern Europe, and the Scandinavian and Jutland, located in Northern Europe. The population within the standard physical geographical boundaries was 701 million in 2005 according to the United Nations. Among the continents, Europe is an anomaly. National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Ukraine is the world's largest producer of sunflower seeds, and across every part of Ukraine, you'll see stunning fields of these yellow blooms. The Republic of Ireland occupies 80 percent of this landmass, while a large chunk of land in the north, called Northern Ireland, is part of the United Kingdom.All together, the island of Ireland is made up of 32 counties. Not only is it pretty huge (2.5 times the size of Mount Vesuvius, which so famously buried Pompeii), but it is also one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Some of these facts about Europe are newer than others. In fact, the most famous symbol of the Iron Curtain was the Berlin Wall, which divided the East German city of Berlin into western and eastern-controlled parts.The economic and political demise of the Soviet Union led to the end of the Iron Curtain in the late 1980s. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact ngimagecollection@natgeo.com for more information and to obtain a license. Holland is a nation of cyclists. The U.K. also includes Northern Ireland, which is on another island. Many of its events encouraged community involvement and civic engagement. The North European Plain, common to much of Poland, northern Germany, and Denmark, broadens in western France and continues, across the narrow seas, in southeastern Great Britain and Ireland. Among the alternative boundaries proposed by geographers that have gained wide acceptance is a scheme that sees the crest of the Greater Caucasus range as the dividing line between Europe and Asia, placing Ciscaucasia, the northern part of the Caucasus region, in Europe and Transcaucasia, the southern part, in Asia. Southward of the limits of the northern glacial ice are vales and hills, with the Paris and London basins typical examples. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. It is geographically positioned both in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the Earth. This idea of citizenshipof being connected to and having a voice in your communitybecame the basic building block of democracy. Asia is not Europe ;-). Glaciation too has left its mark over wide areas, and the processes of erosion and deposition have created a highly variegated and compartmentalized countryside. The topography of the country is divided very clearly between the hilly Oesling of the . Greater Milan is the largest Metropolitan Area in Italy. Not only is Mount Etna the highest volcanic peak in Europe but it is still active. Whats the Difference Between Great Britain and the United Kingdom? These features typically include natural formations such as mountains, rivers, lakes, and valleys. Estos incluyen el aumento del nivel del mar; la reduccin de los glaciares de montaa; aceleracin del derretimiento del hielo en Groenlandia, la Antrtida y el rtico; y cambios en los . Europe's northernmost point is the Svalbard archipelago of Norway, and it reaches as far south as the islands of Greece and Malta.Europe is sometimes described as a peninsula of peninsulas. The empire of ancient Rome, at its greatest extent in the 2nd century ce, revealed, and imprinted its culture on, much of the face of the continent. This linguistic diversity is present in the Alpine regions of many contemporary European countries today.Switzerland, for example, has four official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansch. The financial crisis, along with concerns about immigrants connections to terrorism and religious extremism, has caused Europe to develop a more guarded approach to immigration. This is the largest landlocked country in the world. The proportion of people older than 65 will grow from 16 percent to 28 percent. Because of their remoteness, however, all these regions have distinct dialects that differ slightly from their parent language. Elevations in those areas are mainly between about 500 and 2,000 feet (150 and 600 metres), and many steep slopes are to be seen. Arts and Music, Geography, Human Geography, Social Studies, Economics, World History. For discussion of major cities of the continent, see specific articles by namee.g., Rome, Warsaw, and London. Above all, in southern EuropeAustria and Switzerland includedlevel, low-lying land is scarce, and mountain, plateau, and hill landforms dominate. In partitioning the globe into meaningful large geographic units, therefore, most modern geographers treated the former Soviet Union as a distinct territorial entity, comparable to a continent, that was somewhat separate from Europe to the west and from Asia to the south and east; that distinction has been maintained for Russia, which constituted three-fourths of the Soviet Union. The five most spoken native languages in Europe are Russian, German, French English, Turkish and Italian. Europe is home to the birthplace of democracy and Western culture in the ancient civilizations of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. In the extreme northern part (northernmost Russia; Svalbard), bordering the Arctic Ocean, is tundra climate (Et). The highest summit in Iceland is Hvannadals Peak, at 6,952 feet (2,119 metres), while Ben Nevis, the highest peak in Great Britain, stands at an elevation of only 4,406 feet (1,343 metres). That broad territory reveals no simple unity of geologic structure, landform, relief, or climate. The debate surrounding the cartoons also intensified strained relations between the Islamic world and the West.In 2010, the French government dismantled illegal immigrant camps throughout France. Even though the country borders have been redrawn since the Soviet days, the continental borders never have. They created clothing and tents out of reindeer hides, sewing together the cloth with twine made from the animals tendons.Keeping track of herds and individual animals became increasingly important in Sami life. The program highlights Europes rich cultural diversity, celebrates its cultural ties, and brings people of different European backgrounds together. Europe is a peninsula of the Eurasian supercontinent and is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Seas to the south. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. The biggest part of the United Kingdom (also called the U.K.) is the island of Great Britain, which is made up of England, Wales, and Scotland. The language survives in Switzerland because of the remote location of its native speakers.Contemporary CulturesEuropes rich and diverse cultural heritage continues to flourish today. The highest elevations and the most rugged relief of the European continent are found farther south, where the structures of the Cenozoic orogeny (i.e., from the past 66 million years) provide mountain scenery. Manmade features such as roads, dams, and cities may also be included. To read all future answers to your comment, please bookmark this page. Important highlands in this region include the Massif Central and the Vosges in France, the Ardennes of Belgium, the Black Forest and the Taunus in Germany, and the Ore and Sudeten in the Czech Republic. Check out this amazing list of Austria facts that include history, food, culture, and more. The Kimmel Falls are the tallest in Europe and also 5th in the list of the worlds highest waterfalls. Intense trade introduced many species, which often overtook native plants. Some reindeer herds have a home range of up to 5,000 square kilometers (1,930 square miles). Certain countries and regions have even developed an identity or branding focused on specific products and exports.Scandinavian design, for instance, is primarily focused on fashion and home wares. The Iron Curtain took on the physical shape of border defenses, walls, and limited diplomacy. This program must not only highlight the citys unique cultural heritage, but also feature new events that unite a range of cultural practices from across Europe. The Netherlands is a country located in Northwestern Europe. Lands lying at high elevations can, of course, be lands of low relief, but on the European continent relief tends to become more rugged as elevation increases. They serve as traditional labels of geographic location. Greece is well known for the thousands of islands dotting the three seas that surround the country. 3. The link between these peninsulas has made Europe a dominant economic, social, and cultural force throughout recorded history.Europe's physical geography, environment and resources, and human geography can be considered separately.Europe can be divided into four major physical regions, running from north to south: Western Uplands, North European Plain, Central Uplands, and Alpine Mountains.Western UplandsThe Western Uplands, also known as the Northern Highlands, curve up the western edge of Europe and define the physical landscape of Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, and Denmark), Finland, Iceland, Scotland, Ireland, the Brittany region of France, Spain, and Portugal.The Western Uplands is defined by hard, ancient rock that was shaped by glaciation. You cannot download interactives. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. Its major peninsulas include Jutland and the Scandinavian, Iberian, Italian, and Balkan peninsulas. It is the continent's second largest island (after Great Britain). It happens to be the longest river in Europe and covers 3,692 km/ 2,295 miles long. When it comes to geographical facts about Europe, and in particular the mountains, most people will assume that the names at the top of the list will be the famous Mont Blanc or the Matterhorn. The program has provided a lasting economic boost to cities and regions, raised their international profiles, and enhanced their images in the eyes of their own inhabitants.Each year, two or three cities are chosen to produce a year-long program of cultural events. Yet it was not until the 19th and 20th centuries that modern science was able to draw with some precision the geologic and geographic lineaments of the European continent, the peoples of which had meanwhile achieved domination overand set in motion vast countervailing movements amongthe inhabitants of much of the rest of the globe (see Western colonialism). Lesotho (landlocked within South Africa), is the only other country in the world surrounded entirely by another country. Norway has the longest coastline in Europe. 4. As a conceptual construct, Europa, as the more learned of the ancient Greeks first conceived it, stood in sharp contrast to both Asia and Libya, the name then applied to the known northern part of Africa. Please enable JavaScript. It has been somewhat problematical to pin down the biggest glacier in Europe because biggest is open to interpretation of length, depth and width, plus they can change quite dramatically in a short space of time. These physical features allowed for early communication, travel, and agricultural development. A convenient division is made by a line linking the base of the peninsula of Jutland with the head of the Adriatic Sea. Whats the Difference Between Great Britain and the United Kingdom. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. Table of contents: The Tallest Mountain in Europe The Largest Lake in Europe The Longest River in Europe The Highest Waterfall in Europe The Longest Beach in Europe The Deepest Cave in Europe The Tallest Volcano in Europe Biggest Glacier in Europe Rocks of all geologic periods are exposed, and the operation of geologic forces during an immense succession of eras has contributed to the molding of the landscapes of mountain, plateau, and lowland and has bequeathed a variety of mineral reserves. Indeed, Turkey has sought membership in the European Union (EU), and the Republic of Cyprus joined the organization in 2004. The Netherlands shares its maritime borders with UK and France. It has coastlines on the Bay of Biscay (a part of the Atlantic Ocean) and the Mediterranean Sea.Spain's capital and largest city is Madrid, and the country is known for its long history, unique culture, strong economy, and very high living standards. This article treats the physical and human geography of Europe. All the major bodies of water in Europe have been fished for centuries. It is the smallest country both in size and population. Glaciers are found in a surprisingly large number of European countries, including Iceland, Norway, Spain, France, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. The landlocked countries in Europe are: Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Liechtenstein (which is doubly landlocked), Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Moldova, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Vatican City. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact ngimagecollection@natgeo.com for more information and to obtain a license. In 2005, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published 12 cartoons featuring Islamic subjects. Physiographically, it is the northwestern peninsula of the larger landmass known as Eurasia (or the larger Afro-Eurasia); Asia occupies the centre and east of this continuous landmass. ft. home is a 4 bed, 4.0 bath property. The tallest mountain in Europe is Mount Elbrus in Russia. Strict EU regulations place a heavy burden on developing countries to compete with their more developed neighbors.The global financial crisis, which began around 2008, has caused these tensions to elevate dramatically. It stands 10,922 feet high on the coast of the Mediterranean island Sicily. A volcanos violent nature thus came from the work of Hephaestus and the anger of the imprisoned gods.The ancient Greeks connection to the sea also deeply influenced their mythological beliefs. Author of. The tundra, found in Iceland and the northern reaches of Scandinavia and Russia, is a treeless region where small mosses, lichens, and ferns grow. (South of Northern Ireland is the separate country of Ireland, which gained its independence from the U.K. in 1937.) This rescue package has caused tensions to rise between economically competitive countries and the indebted countries that they are helping to rescue. Kosovo is a. San Marino and Vatican City, two fully sovereign nations, are both completely surrounded by Italy. A study completed by the Berlin Institute for Population and Development found that Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, western Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Austria, and France have the best prospects of supporting vibrant and economically successful societies. Europes boundaries have been especially uncertain, and hence much debated, on the east, where the continent merges, without sundering physical boundaries, with parts of western Asia. Actually, geographically Russia and former Soviet republics are Europe and always have been. The 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. European powers conquered the strategically important mountain territory of the limits of the active physical that. Most spoken native languages in Europe and also 5th in the European portion of Kazakhstan South... And is used daily by more than 320 million people facts of European geography you. 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