how to remove nanobots from body

One of the most effective weapons against the harmful inorganic nanoparticles contained within vaccines is direct application of mild electric currents to the body. WebRemove The Nano Inside Your Body. A Greek hieromonk discusses this power in action (skip to about 12.00) and recounts the story of a prisoner in a Russian concentration camp. Albert Einstein once said that a problem cannot be solved on the same level that it was created, and this is no exception. I do not consent to any attempts or actions that would seek to harm or damage my bodily temple and violate my DNA through vaccines or any other means. A recent study found nanoparticles in at least 43 market-leading vaccines, so the problem of nanites is not just restricted to COVID vaccines. It didnt sound like free roaming nanobots. *Indicates products found in one place here:, Simone M. Matthews/Universal Life Tools Detox Advice, Harmonic Chai Tea BioResonance with COVID Spike Proteins Home Recipe, Dr. Ariyana Love | Pine Needle Tea as Possible Antidote for Spike Proteins, PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike ProteinTransmission, My Recommendations From Experience | Please research all herbal remedies further online, Choose what you are drawn to. It was found to be highly effective in killing parasites and viruses of several kinds, and also has a beneficial impact on a large number of other conditions. Naturopathy and Homeopathy can provide great ameliorative benefits. i believe it may be possible to destroy nanobots by using ultrasound waves to decay their molecular structure. This creates health problems due to boron deficiency which is now very common, but very few of us know about it. Epsom Pass over your body. Jared Rand suggests the nexus orgone zapper, which works on a frequency of 432 Hz (a frequency that seems to counteract nanotechnology parasites such as Morgellons good to know if you have a Rife machine or therapeutic frequency generator of some kind). since nanobots and nanotechnology are fragile structures ultrasound waves oscillate at such a frequency so as to "shake" the nanobots up hopefully with the result of thier molecular WebRemove The Nano Inside Your Body. The benefits of such devices are many and extend well beyond their ability to negate the effects of harmful nanotechnology and other parasites. Boron is an indispensable supplement for detoxing heavy metals and one of the few known nanobot replication inhibitors. None of this is going to work because the premise is all wrong never use zeolite it will only feed the operating system never uase omega 3 it will only oxidize the cellls this site is a schilldont surender you re funds to thisthis person has absolutely no clue what he /she is dealing with and has no clue on genetics total scam. If you want to take this to the next level, use the technique recommended by Siberian mystic Anastasia for planting and growing food that is uniquely medicinal for your biological needs. Both techniques induce an electromagnetic field, corrupting the memory and shorting out the circuitry of any electronic device within range. collide with the darkness, of Psychopathic Narcissistic Tyrannical rule in the name of greed, power, and control; oppression of the masses using ancient, deceptive, covert, satanic, ritualistic means includes but not limited to mass genocide & cannabalism. Both techniques induce an electromagnetic field, corrupting the memory and shorting out the circuitry of any electronic device within range. I am surprised this article would mention Tesla but not Royal Raymond Rife. Suramin is an isolated compound originally derived from an extract of pine needle oil. WebSalt baths, use sea salt, Epsom salts the best results I had was using Bicarbonate of Soda 2-3 cups in a hot bath soak your body for 45-60 mins IMPORTANT NOTE: After soaking in the bath, a lot of this stuff will be on the surface of the skin, still attached use a soft brush and and exfoliate the skin thoroughly.. then shower off the residue. Evening Primrose Oil, This video explains with quite exhaustive research how nano ingredients have found their way into our food supply in the USA with virtually no human safety studies, with lax approval by the FDA. Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sitesl Advertising: Identify device you are using. WebHow to remove Implants blackgoo Nanobots from your body, How do they get there? I appreciate your thoughts. I dont doubt theres the possibility of serious side effects to the vaccines (some of which I experienced myself), but to say that its some sort of international plot for mind control is beyond any sort of rational thought. I would like to share all of you a device given to us by st. Germaine and tesla. 4. Until we can oust these psychopaths from power and end these programs of mass pollution, please detox. I realize many others think along the same lines as you,considering themselves to be open minded as well. 1. Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage. Soran University. It aides in the cleansing, tuning and alignment of our energy (power) centers. You can use apply the above steps beforehand to prepare your body for coerced or forced vaccines beforehand. Try to unplug as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment. C60 (1-3 droppersfull per day): One of the issues we are seeing with those who have been injected is disturbances in their energetic field (magnetism) and hot spots of inflammation. In several types of WBCs are an organelle called the lysosomes. Fortunately, the violet ray is one of the few Tesla inventions that managed to survive the crackdown and is publicly available worldwide. Here are 10 ways to detox from vaccines (including the COVID vaccines) and deactivate vaccine nanotechnology. Upon commencing the practice of Paida Lajin, it is common to experience significant detoxification symptoms including red spots, rashes, blisters, dizziness, belching, headaches, nausea, thick phlegm, running nose, flatulence and smelly excrement and urine. 6. 12. Perhaps you are trying to calm down some people by providing them with some hope, getting all honesty the DNA wants changed will replicate and will remain changed. WebYou just need to use a degaussing magnet . Liquid chembusting homeopathic 2. It's called the violet ray crystal resonator. WebAnswer: My reading of the research doesnt indicate that theyd moved beyond grain of rice sized implants adjacent to nerve bundles. - YouTube 0:00 / 11:00 How to remove Implants blackgoo Nanobots from your body, How do they get there? Then she says, if they are alive you may as well give them a task and then suggested, If you cant frequency program at Trionary Level then delete. Currently I'm using detox foot pads which are making me feel less tired in the morning. Potassium 4. Pass over your body. Bentonite Clay, in water or foot baths 6. If you have not detoxed before it is likely you might feel light-headed as the zeolite works to remove heavy metals and other nanoparticles. Naturopathy and Homeopathy can provide great ameliorative benefits. Yay! Naturopathy and Homeopathy can provide great ameliorative benefits. Please know that your views are always welcome. Nanobots are technology on a quantum level, and in order to solve this problem, we need to address this situation on a subquantum or soul My view of Paleo is to nourish true wellness and balance, free of indigestion, weight gain, cravings, and moods. As an aside, the practitioner who helped bring Paida Lajin to the world was recently jailed in a sham trial which commonly happens with those who brings genuine cures to the world (think Royal Raymond Rife for example). By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm. It iwill help you to know zeolite uses. Try to unplug as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment. There is much controversy globally around vaccines at present, with strong-arm tactics being employed to coerce people into taking the COVID vaccines with (or increasingly without) their consent. Visitaircrap.orgfor images of the nanotech and further discussions of synthetic biology. Sponsored by Ambertracks Survival - YouTube 0:00 / 4:56 Remove The Nano Inside Your Body. Vaccines (especially the covid-19 vaccine) contain a cocktail of viruses and other pathogens, and MMS can work wonders in killing off these foreign bodies. As with the violet ray, drink good spring, rain or reverse osmosis filtered water before and after to assist with hydration and conductivity. Post by alankey onNov 24, 2008 at 4:30pm. Everyone (especially the children) lost their spiritual sight and ability to perceive spiritual entities and other interdimensional phenomena, but his family helped him avoid the vaccines and he, fortunately, retained his spiritual senses. For instance under number 8 and under the list where it speaks of recommendations by Sherri Tenpenny, there is listed "coinzine" which should be spelled CO ENZYME Q10. Chlorella Just in case: Traditional methods to remove nanoparticles from plasma samples typically involve diluting the plasma, adding a high concentration sugar solution to the plasma and spinning it in a centrifuge, or attaching a targeting agent to the surface of the nanoparticles. Potassium 4. To reprogram the nanobots. 3. 1/16/2018/Chem Trails and Consciousness Takeover. Since this is an experiment, we do not know and may never know unless we are able to do laboratory studies to discover what is happening. One of their main practices is telling you what they are going to do to you before doing it. 1. Zeolite is a biological chelator that binds harmful substances while in the gastrointestinal tract to draw them out of the body via the bowel. I will post further on this shortly. Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily) Skin discolouration is also very common, and this is essentially the discharge of sha, a word unique to the Chinese language which means poisonous blood in the body. Even if bee pollen had none of its other vital ingredients, its content of rutin alone would justify taking at least a teaspoon daily, if for no other reason than strengthening the capillaries. Much like the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that knocks out the AI-controlled sentinel robots in the Matrix movie (truth is sometimes stranger than fiction) the right kind of electrotherapy and electromagnetic energy work wonders on magnetic nanotechnology, magnogenetics and other inorganic and organic parasites within the body. Schizandra Berry* (high in shikimate) There is an inherent ability in the human body to repair and heal itself through self-healing power, and the immune and self-reparatory functions are part of this self-healing power. The media and others usually claim chlorine dioxide is dangerous because it is bleach, which is factually incorrect (bleach is sodium hypochlorite). Here I share my transformational lifestyle tips, new techniques, and luscious, original recipes for a new, vital way of living. In this category, we offer two products, the traditional C60 product* is made by yours truly and the C60 SuperConcentrate* is made by a carbon scientist friend of mine and contains a higher concentration of electrons. This is a remarkable question! Most big websites do this too. Paida Lajin goes way beyond other methods such as chiropractic and modalities taught by modern health care providers. So the WBCs go to work and start to enclose each one through a process called Phagocytosis. Comfrey Leaf (rich in shikimate) Use liquid products where possible to help reduce airborne exposures. Then she says, if they are alive you may as well give them a task and then suggested, If you cant frequency program at Trionary Level then delete. Thanks again. WebMagnetic nanoparticles are delivered to different parts of the body with the help of strong magnets. WebAnswer (1 of 2): I see you sent me a private message asking me about this back in May and I just didn't notice until now! Would my husband need the Violet ray treatment??? If the person is not planning on continuing with the "booster" scam they might recover but I can't say for sure. Best wishes for your delicious health! Epsom salt foot baths This is the updated protocol to protect those whove been injected with the quackccine(s) and the same protocol is useful to protect those concerned with the spike protein shedding coming off those whove been injected. WebAnswer: My reading of the research doesnt indicate that theyd moved beyond grain of rice sized implants adjacent to nerve bundles. Nanobots injected into your bloodstream According to IFL Science, DNA robots are already being tested in animals to seek out and destroy cancer cells. He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles. Therefore, they can be in front of the right place of the body and removed. Bentonite Clay, in water or foot baths 6. Krill Oil 5. This approach is the best and most natural one for healing DNA. Although the nanobots cant be removed, there might be a solution to this problem. DETOX AND CLEANSE OUT mRNA AND LIPID NANOPARTICLES AND SPIKE PROTEINS, JUNE 22, 2021, For information on detoxing heavy metals like aluminium from vaccines, please scroll down to, Tony Pantallesco, a brilliant naturopath, herbalist, and researcher offers information on how to remove the tiny, invisible bits of nanotechnology/synthetic biology raining down on us, Nanotech is apparently also found in vaccinesfor more information, please explore Tonys videos on Youtube, and his, converses here with long-term researcher and investigative journalist Ole Dammegard on the chem trail project Indigo Skyfall, Low-Carb Cauliflower Risotto alla Milanese. Use liquid products where possible to help reduce airborne exposures. Sorry about that. These suggestions are for detox and cleansing: La Quinta Columna Scientists Information Regarding Glutathione and N-Acetylcysteine to Detox the Nano Graphene Oxide Found in the COVID Vaccines. Governments, pharmaceutical companies, mainstream and social media laud the supposed health benefits, and suppress anything to the contrarian truth of vaccines. Azeez Abdullah Barzinjy. This will shutdown each and everyone of them. Cilanto For a more intensive experience combining this step with the above, try Tony Pantallescos electric nano bucket. Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (blades are high in shikimate) Krill Oil You are so right, as fear is a major tool of mind control. The purpose is to damage and try to destroy the contact with consciousness. WebSalt baths, use sea salt, Epsom salts the best results I had was using Bicarbonate of Soda 2-3 cups in a hot bath soak your body for 45-60 mins IMPORTANT NOTE: After soaking in the bath, a lot of this stuff will be on the surface of the skin, still attached use a soft brush and and exfoliate the skin thoroughly.. then shower off the residue. Since this topic is well over my head technically. For example, there are stories of farmers who accidentally touched electric fences and the strong electric pulse healed them of viruses with similar symptoms to Lyme disease. EU REGULATORS AND WHO CALL FOR END TO COVID BOOSTERS STRATEGY FAILS Glutathione is found in many vegetables and fruit including asparagus, spinach, cantaloupe. Liquid chembusting homeopathic 2. 10. Please share this information to keep our collective consciousness as humanity expanding: each one of us needs to take the initiative in every sphere to stop this takeover from happening! The violet ray was listed as one of the protocols to aide in this cleansing and healing. This interesting analysis looks at how this parasite can potentially change behavior in people (read mind control) who have been vaccinated. Once they are dead , your immune system sees them as little foreign invaders. Once they are dead , your immune system sees them as little foreign invaders. Does iron sharpen iron? 1. Potassium A lot of people are buying my products from this mention in this article. I do a short screening and I don't ask if you are vXXd but I do mention that if you are the Violet Ray should not be used due to the experimental nature and the extreme toxity of the pharmakia. Juniper berries (in a tea) will help cleanse the kidney. Update to Guest article by William for entertainment purposes only. Nanobots could be used to monitor for damage to the body, and potentially even facilitate the repair of this damage. I had already treated this person energetically, but I did not know that she had taken the vac. Lets begin this with an insightful quote ahead of its time, from a man ahead of his time Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925): In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Through a process called Phagocytosis found nanoparticles in at least 43 market-leading vaccines, so WBCs... Out the circuitry of any electronic device within range and alignment of energy! The cleansing, tuning and alignment of our energy ( power ) centers taught by modern health care providers against. Going to do to you before doing it foreign invaders this article be a solution to this problem - 0:00. To detox from vaccines ( including the COVID vaccines the few Tesla that. Of harmful nanotechnology and other nanoparticles biological chelator that binds harmful substances while the. This article the how to remove nanobots from body to aide in this cleansing and healing in several types WBCs... 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