The Countys prosecuting attorney, Lindsey Adams, was allegedly so adamant that he had evidence to convict Danny and Leeann, that he denied them ankle monitoring devices or bond reduction. I need help immediately!!! Shadow removals: How safety plans allow CPS to avoid judicial oversight. They said if you dont cooperate with us, were going to take all your children, and charge you with emotional abuse.. Her older son was eventually returned after 3 years of being in the foster system, and the mother was told that the reason she was being given her son back was that he was unadoptable., So one hand, the reason the birth mother didnt get one child returned was simply that her baby girl was adoptable and another family wanted her daughter, and on the other hand, the reason the son was returned to his mothers custody was that he was deemed un-adoptable.. By signing, you accept Care2's Terms of Service. CPS profits every time they place a child outside the home for adoption, Ketterman said. All the attorneys around here are friends with all the social workers and I know my Civil Rights have been completely violated and laws have definitely been broken on CPS part! MoveOn Petitions is an open tool that anyone can use to post a petition advocating any point of view, Correct me if Im wrong; but they just added another point to your great nieces ACEs Score (a biggie one and in/of itself a lifetime of effects from just that separation trauma), instead of being happy she had some time of receipt of love from their mama (& likely more natural & real in those 4hrs, than with others breathing down her neck), and it was likely so good for mama, as well as your & her relationship. They have become too powerful and have shifted their focus from offering guidance and support to acting as a punitive force.. It appears that corruption in Kentucky continues to run deep and wide. Danny and Leeann argued that it was not in Baileys best interest to be placed with Sonya upon her return to Kentucky, especially in light of the fact that Matt reported that Bailey is now terrified of her Mimi. They feared that Sonya may once again physically abuse Bailey into making false allegations. They keep throwing new things at us.. Before this happened to me, I had always believed that if someone was arrested, they were guilty. Kentucky is Being Investigated for Corruption: Will the States Sordid History of Legal Kidnapping Finally be Punished? Frankfort, KY 40621. Congratulations Schulkers for asserting your rights against what has become an unmanageable part of our Govt persons rights are diminished regularly by the Cabinet based upon untruthsgreat job Paul Hill onward and upward for justice! Everybody who consumes Pfizer products should educate themselves on the evil workings of this unscrupulous corporation. I know because we had 3 different caseworkers since our case started and their reason was it was too stressful, I found something more easier or I couldnt do it WAKE UP!! Wesley is 100% correct! Jennifer explains how her husband was incredulous that such abuses in the system were happening. Neither she nor Danny had any idea that they were the prime suspects and were being accused of incest. There are many people who need your help. I was frantic that my girls had been violated and I was racking my brain over who had been around the girls who could hurt my babies!!! Whenever we publish a story at regarding Kentucky, we get flooded with people sharing their stories of alleged corruption with Kentuckys Department of Child Based Services (DCBS) and the Family Court system. The children are white and prime adoption age. Judge Michael Duncan (1st Judge): Willfully ignored the parent's request to have a second doctor's opinion on the pediatrician Dr. Julie Koch's claimed "forensic" examination - which concluded that there were NO injuries whatsoever discovered yet she still claimed that the spanking to the child's behind was an abuse. Not finding work there, Danny moved to Nashville, TN to work in his fathers business as an electrician, while Leeann and their two daughters, Bailey age 5 and Danica age 2, stayed in Louisville. The Cabinet and the social workers, Elizabeth Kammer and Alison Campbell, appealed. DCBS is involved in nearly every adoption that occurs in the state.. Thank God!!! Source. You can unsub at any time here. It is terrifying to Leeann how Criminal Court could give them a No True Bill, and yet Family Court proceeds as if sufficient evidence is unimportant. Care2 Stands With: humanitarians, animal lovers, feminists, rabble-rousers, nature-buffs, creatives, the naturally curious, and people who really love to do the right thing. Im currently in a situation similar to your guyss and Im going to stand up and fight as well! Leeann never could have imagined the nightmare that was about to unfold when her own mother would make allegations that she and Danny had sexually abused their own daughters. The four former senior officers are Det Supt Ian Crampton, who was in charge for the first three days after the murder; Det Supt Brian Weeden, who took over as senior investigating officer; Det Ch. Next, Boel interviews a former CPS supervisor who also conceals her identity because she fears retaliation. Fax: 270-889-6040, By Telephone: 1 (800) 372-29731 (800) 372-2973FREE or 1 (800) 627-47021 (800) 627-4702FREE (TTY), Online: This bonding with the foster family would then be used as the reason to allow the adoption to proceed, not because the birth mother was unfit or negligent, but because her daughter, who was removed as a baby, had now bonded to another family! Been in Kenton county Kentucky family court for 15 years single dad I am glad to see somebody speak the truth. I have complied with DCBS completely and they continue to lie and add more objectives for me to complete. It doesnt matter if you have a paid attorney or not, since there is no due process.. She didnt tell me where she was taking my baby, she didnt even allow me a chance to see him. Is Kentucky The Most Corrupt State in the Country Trafficking Children Through Child Protection Services? My son was the first grandson on both sides so he has plenty of Emotional Love. Matt claims he informed Sarah Heltsley, the DCBS social worker, and Detective Sears of this new information, but says that no action was taken by either one. Meantime, in full knowledge of the new test results, Kammer and another CHFS employee went to the childrens schools and had the Schulkers children without the parents permission brought into a private room one by one with no school personnel present and asked them about mommys drug use. The children were understandably upset. When Sheri came for a visit in late November, she and Leeann had a supervised visit with Danica. In 2006 and 2007 investigative reporter John Boel exposed much of the corruption taking place in the child protectionsystem in Kentucky. You Care. They are the real abusers and kidnappers! After Leeann emailed the Ombudsman on December 11th, the defense attorney finally received all the DCBS paperwork, in early January of 2016. Also I have spoken to numerous parents who have completed case plans and still have not got their children returned. 2d 368 (1970) the U.S. Supreme Court ruled. Meanwhile, the babys umbilical cord was sent for testing. You two should be the voices of the wronged in other CPS cases. Why would an agency whose stated goal is family reunification or placement with relatives, purportedly do neither? The Corruption of Climate Science: how was it done? Records supporting parents seem to disappear. They also reveal conflicts of interest between case workers and foster parents who may be related to the case worker placing the child into the foster home. The pediatrician also made excuses to avoid showing up in court to testify . We make every effort to acknowledge sources used in our news articles. What Danny and Leeann would come to find out is that Sonya had accused them of incest, and that Jennie Stuart Medical performed exams that supposedly confirmed abuse, and that Bailey made a statement that Danny had touched her while in the tub. Detective Jason Sears of the Hopkinsville Police department, who was investigating the case, allegedly confirmed that without a doubt the abuse had been happening for over 2 years. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Will we make the same mistake today? Think what that number is today 20-years later. These people are destroying children and families. In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Help us end CPS and family court corruption | MoveOn To: The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, Governor Matt Bevin, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump Help us end CPS and family court corruption Campaign created by Kam Nesw .We want to get back to our normal lives, even as we are healthy at home with six kids., Attorney Paul Hill is happy and proud, as he has become friends with David and Holly, whom he describes as the best of the best., But Hill is most proud of the legal implications of the Sixth Circuit decision which will be published and become clearly established law on the issue of qualified immunity.. May God bring them back home!! DCBS failed to give any paperwork or the Substantiated Reports to Leeanns Family Court defense attorney, and when they showed up for court on December 10th, her attorney did not have any paperwork regarding the allegations against Leeann. And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. (Joel 2:28. Bailey with her dog Layla in California. WAVE3 can be contacted here. 730, orcontacted here. Image from Facebook page. Praying for this family. And even though Bailey never repeated that accusation again, and the fact that Matt affirmed that Bailey disclosed that her Mimi made her say those things by hitting her in the stomach with a stick and pointing to her private area, saying your step dad touched you there, DCBS completely disregarded what Matt said, and only believe what my mom said.. At St. Elizabeth Hospital for the birth of the baby, she unknowingly had a urine test that was presumptive positive for opiates (perhaps her doctor noted on her chart because she consumed a snack with poppy seeds on it and poppy seeds are among the products that can cause a false positive on a drug screen). Ive been fighting the System, and have now become a target for Harassment every corner I turn. Notes: - CPS runs on a quota/bonus incentive system; the more children are removed from their parents, the more funding CPS gets. We may not know the day or the hour, but we can know the season! PLEASE SHARE GOT IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY!! They are just going off what the corrupt doctor said! I pray to God this year that Corporation gets shut down and all our kids released and back home with their families which we are. If you find yourself aligning with any of those folks, you can move along, nothing to see here. Ben Southam, a CPS Senior Specialist Prosecutor in the Special Crime Division, said: "Mohammed Malik took advantage of his position of power and accepted money in return for helping Mohammed Anis. Malik pleaded guilty to the corruption offences in July 2020, and will be sentenced alongside Anis at a later date. In some cases, states are authorized to dispense with efforts to reunify the family and move directly to termination of parental rights. The Corruption of Climate Science: how was it done? For 3 months I was behind bars, defenseless, helpless. CPS is corrupt they tampered with our words we said, lied on reports, constantly adding unnecessary classes to get our kids back (when in reality it's just to extend time to terminate our rights), drugging our son in their custody,our daughter received a black eye in their custody in a foster parents home, our three sons constantly are getting Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Thank you, Schulkers family and Attorney Paul Hill. Although the Fosters can see no reason why this information is even relevant to the case, it seems to them be the delay the prosecuting attorney is using to postpone hearings, Adams contends that the case cannot be adjudicated until paternity is established. After their exoneration in criminal court, Danny and Leeann assumed their children would be returned immediately, but were astonished to find out they still had a battle ahead in Family Court. One Kentucky mother, who wishes to remain anonymous, explains how corruption is motivated by money, by using children as commodities in a for-profit business: Truly abused children are considered damaged goods and are not sellable, whereas those from good homes are much more adaptable and profitable to the State.. Here, youll find over 45 million like-minded people working towards progress, kindness, and lasting impact. Privacy Policy. Any advice on how to get Our life back? Don't get me wrong, their are bad parents out there actually abusing their kids but if majority of kids taken are from innocent homes than actually abusive parents. In the Child Trafficking definition of victims, boys are included as well as girls, and the victims could be anyoneyour daughter, your son, your neighbor, your friend. Notes to editors. So many of us have lost our children unfairly and deserve justice. He explainsthat his report gives an in-depth look into Kentucky CPS which exemplifies what they were hearing from so many other families who were comingto them. 2. I also had my neighbor check while I gone. They do some good thing but go way overboard with some cases! and then-attorney general office KY and then to the United States attorney general office, Write both of them letters explaining your position why your children should not have been removed from your home. Until they received Substantiated Reports, Leeann was unaware that Sonya had alleged neglect in addition to the sexual abuse accusations. As a child Leeann herself became a ward of the State and was placed in kinship care with her maternal grandmother, allegedly due to Sonyas drinking and abusive behavior. I hope they string um up ! NO parent should know the pain of having their child/children taken away and placed in a home with pure strangers. Some families have to file for divorce to get their kids back.. Without it, our site might not function properly. I had no alternative or I would lose my job! According to The National Center For Child Abuse And Neglect in 1998 reported that six times more children died in foster care than in the general public. All rights reserved. )' system SHOULD BE ABOLISHED AND THE CONSTITUTION FOLLOWED WITH O-V-E-R-S-I-G-H-T AND A-C-C-O-U-N-T-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y!!!!!!!!!!. In 1974, Congress passed the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, which provided federal funds to the states for the prevention of physical abuse, neglect and sexual abuse. They claim the found fractures on my youngest child and accused my wife and I for abusing our kid. Even more disturbing is the fact that this mother says she was given a choice at her final TPR hearing: Willingly (under coercion) sign over custody of your daughter to the foster family and well let you keep your son, or lose both of your children.. Sheri then asked if she could at least have Danica come stay with her for the Thanksgiving weekend, but when Sarah asked her supervisor Amy Cox, Sheris request was denied. it is so amazing to see an attorney stand up to this evil corruption and you are just the miracle I need Im so scared just to give this money to any attorney because there are so many that lie just to take your money and I cant take that chance this is all I have to start this fight for my kids please their everything to me I will do anyting I cant live without my babies congratulations to this beautiful family !! They take the wrong kids and leave the ones that really need help. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2020 HIMedia Group LLC | While in Matts care, Bailey allegedly confided to him that her Mimi (Sonya) hit her with a stick in the stomach several times until she could repeat the accusation that her step-dad Danny had molested her. 6 months into this and my baby is no longer a baby. These CPS whistleblowers also confirmed that CPS can and does take away children simply to retaliate against people who try to fight or expose the system: I can call in a report tomorrow, and I can make it seem very real, to the point that a family will be investigated. And that is exactly what is happening. This will help secure JUSTICE for many other families. So my question is who the hell does CPS think they are!? Let us know. Numerous reports can be found of Kentucky CPS corruption to include terminating parental rights in favor for adoption adoptions for which the state receives federal funding. For nearly 3 weeks after their release, Leeann called the social worker, Sarah Heltsley, to see about having the children returned, but Sarah allegedly never returned the calls. Many other families are suffering including mine right now! TLB recommends you visit Health Impact News & Medical Kidnap for more pertinent articles and information. As a parent suffering the loss of my children because the corruption who do I need to contact in order to have my case in the investigation, First go to GOD!! I havent seen her in almost 3 months now. The Sixth Circuit now says they can have a jury trial on both of those counts and that the Cabinet cannot claim qualified immunity for the social workers. Leeann expresses her fears: There has been no investigation into the truth. Im battling Doctors and my Family saying Im schizo to bipolar. Brenda Maney of Richmond, Kentucky spoke to our reporters and told us her story, which is published here. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ae5fda89f1ecaea00136a78295caf430" );document.getElementById("ad10372649").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); House Bill Introduced to End FBI/ATF No Knock Raids on Gun Owners, Abominable Dr. Tony Has Hurt Millions Of Kids [Video]. To this remark Sheri exclaimed, so the well-being of the child isnt what matters here.. It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated. Mohammed . Then we have a problem and CPS needs to do a better job and be honest about what they are doing, which is being corrupt. No evidentiary hearing. IF CPS IS SUPPOSE TO BE PROTECTORS OF THE CHILDREN THEN Why is a Child more likely to be abuse in their custody than at an abusive home?Why is a child more likely to be raped in their custody than at an abusive home?The list can go on! ! 9. My son and grandchildren have been removed for 9 months now. 0:32. After 17 minutes, the judge terminates the mothers right to her children. Portland Police Scanner Goes Offline Right Before Violence & Police Brutality with Clackamas County Law Enforcement In my humble opinion, THE ENTIRE EUPHEMISTIC child protective (?) There are so many families like this including mines it need an attorney like you that will actually fight against the corruption instead of for it thank you so much for doing that and being one of the good rare ones out there. She walked out of my room, only to return in less than a minute and showed something on her phone to one of the officers. Please dont stop now that your case has been won! Child Services workers often lie and use deception to take children. In a nutshell, with a lot of twists and turns: Holly Schulkers is a busy mom and stepmom to six young children, including the baby born in February 2017 and five others, aged 9-14. Good for them! Many believe that thecorruption of CPSis rooted in a for-profit adoption system created by the Title IV bonus funds from the Federal Government given to States when they successfully adopt children. 3 weeks after Leeanns arrest, Danny was arrested. Something went wrong. I was facing 10 years, and Danny was facing 80 to life! The video footage then clearly shows that the mother in this case had no true representation in family court. DCBS/DFS/CPS/FAMILY COURT would much rather take children from their homes and send them to strangers than try to ACTUALLY repair families. She sued the State of Kentucky, and settled for $308,000.00. This is just one example of these agencies and their arrogance and under performance. Its Not Over, Hardlockdown Is Coming in the Winter of 2022/2023, Hell On Earth, Gates The Most Powerful Wanna-Be Doctor in The World Killing Million and Looking For New Ways To Kill Again, Watchman Reporting Excess Kill Shot Vaccines Death Gates Is The Most Successful COVID Kill Shot Expert In The World More Death Coming, Watchman: Daily Devotional, In the Gospels, the Lord Jesus Christ Warns His Disciples That Pestilences Will Be One of the Signs of the Last Days of Human History, a Time of Shaking the World to Wake Up and Realize That Christs Return to Judge and Reign Over the Earth Is Increasingly Imminent. She is now working for DCBS in McLean County. I was all she knew 24/7, up until she was 10 years old. :SEC. Family Court Judge Jason Shea Fleming presides over the 3rd Judicial Circuit Court in Christian County, Kentucky. The courts may terminate the parents rights and legally free the child for adoption.. EPI TOWN CRIER: The Choreographed Destruction of America ??? Leeann and Danny were excited at the thought that they would finally get their children back on December 10th. Some counties are known to give a $4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an additional $2,000 for a "special needs" child. They wont consider me any more because I violated court instruction ONCE and let her mom keep her fit 4 hour while I went to work! DCBS places hundreds of children and youth for adoption each year. Two-year-old Isaac Lethbridge died on August 16, 2006 because Child Protective Services social workers took him from his parents and placed him in an unsafe foster home environment. Our Promise: Welcome to Care2, the worlds largest community for good. !But more IMPORTANTLY why in the world does CPS not know how kids end up missing in their custody but when a parent honestly does not know what happen to their kid by taking them to the hospital for concerns of their sickness, doctors find God knows what and claims it's child abuse right off the bat. Thats their agenda, to destroy! The former CPS worker explains how CPS is all about statistics, about how many children can be placed into adoption, since State and Federal reimbursement funds are all tied into statistics. The anonymous Kentucky mother shared that when her children were initially removed, she was given a case plan for reunification, but now after 6 months has passed, her case plan changed from reunification to adoption for her daughter, because the foster family filed paperwork wanting to adopt her daughter. AND STOP THIS CORRUPTNESS IN JESUS NAME!! Im currently going through it with her. My little girls!! CPS is an official government kidnapping ring. Money is The Root of all Evil. John Wesley who said that what we tolerate in our generation, will be embraced by the next. After nearly 3 months of being incarcerated, the Grand Jury issued a No True Bill on October 23, 2015 for both Danny and Leeann, citing, Insufficient evidence was presented to warrant an indictment.. Great job attorney mr. Paul Hill for saving this family! Many innocent families have been forced into bankruptcy because of nightmarish legal fees to defend themselves against this evil bureaucratic monster. Across the globe in different regions of the world, traffickers steal children as young as 5 years old and sell them into forced labor or sex trafficking situations. team in to arrest him, claiming that he was a fugitive from the law, yet he asserts that he never even knew there was a warrant for his arrest. She even relates one story of how someone who could not have children placed an order for a baby: Someone could not have a child and wanted a child. Way to go !! President Trump Signs Executive Order To Protect Parents From CPS, Reform Foster Care Significant Achievement by Patrick Howley June 25, 2020 in News Last Updated on June 25, 2020 President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to reform the child welfare system in the United States. . The system converts children into cash which destroys families and their lives. ), Education is useless without the bible (Daniel Webster), Courage is as fear that has said its prayers.. Bailey is now in foster care placement with non-family members, and as much as it pains Leeann that Bailey is with strangers, she feels it is safer than being placed with her own mother, Sonya, who she believes would abuse Bailey until she says what Sonya wants her to say.. That's right because they have too much power and hiding behind the laws! Help us end CPS/DCBS and family court corruption and preserve families. Nord Stream Sabotage Did the German Chancellor & President of the EU Betray Germans and Europeans? Care2 Stands Against: bigots, racists, bullies, science deniers, misogynists, gun lobbyists, xenophobes, the willfully ignorant, animal abusers, frackers, and other mean people. And yet DCBS boastson its websitethat it is also the primary adoption agency in the state: The Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) is the primary adoption agency in Kentucky. I still do not have my four children to this day! See the NKyTribunes earlier story about Holly and David Schulkers here for details. And whoever gets it could come up with a substantiation, of lets say neglect, and it might not be true. The Watchman Reports, that this is, The latest official Public Health data shows that the fully vaccinated accounted for 89% of Covid-19 deaths in the past four weeks, whilst also accounting, When elected officials begin to feel the heat, they suddenly begin to see the light, meaning that growing public pressure on elected officials really works., Daily Devotional: Matthew 24:3-8 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, Tell us, when will. Situation similar to your guyss and im going to stand up and fight as!... 10 years old neglect in addition to the sexual abuse accusations reunification or placement relatives! Allow CPS to avoid judicial oversight the wrong kids and leave the ones that really kentucky cps corruption 2020 help it that. The State Cabinet and the CONSTITUTION FOLLOWED with O-V-E-R-S-I-G-H-T and A-C-C-O-U-N-T-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y!!!!!! support. 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