We are pleased to inform you that this years WUSV World Championship IP will be once again hosted by the Schaeferhundeklubben for Danmark. Please kindly send in your requests in written to Ms Anne Fath at annefath@schaeferhunde.de. April bis 16. In the meantime the assembly decision was executed, and we received the respective cancellation letter from the FCI president. Very much to our regret it is our sad duty to inform you that the German Shepherd Dog Advisory Council (Inc.) of New Zealand has left the worldwide community of the WUSV. We are very pleased to inform you about the contact details of the WUSV Coordinator for trial and training as follows. Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu drfen, dass die diesjhrige WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft IP erneut durch den Schaeferhundeklubben for Danmark in Randers in Dnemark in der Zeit vom 28. The seminar will take place from June 02, 2022 until June 03, 2022 at CHILCOA headquarters at the following address: Vicente Perez Rosales 839, La Reina Santiago/ Chile. We would like to use this opportunity to thank Mr. Santos for his support and positive commitment towards the work of the WUSV. Part of the information published in particular with respect to the SV judges came from an employee of the Federacin Canofila Mexicana (FCM) who as far as we know acted within the best of interest of the Mexican FCI club. Please also be aware of the respective decision as taken by the delegates of the WUSV General Annual Assembly in 2019. Also our warmest congratulations and good luck for the future to come. We apologize for the inconvenience this might entail but it matters to us that no interested party gets lost in online transit. According to the wording of the cooperation agreement the contract will expire six months after receipt of the notice of termination, and thus, the formal end of contract will be on May 10, 2018. This is regrettable in more ways than one because the FCI did not consider it apropriate to inform the WUSV officially about this future course of action while the cooperation contract was still effective. If you see a chance for your club to host this very important cynological international event of the WUSV we are looking forward to your proposals. A person is considered fully vaccinated who verifiably was not infected with COVID 19, and who can present a vaccination certificate either in paper or electronic form, and who received the last single vaccination longer than a fortnight ago. Sep 2022 Participants / attendees: 110 / 11 Participation fee: 0.00 Entry price: 0.00 Category: Not saved yet Discipline: IGP breed: German Shepherd Event website: https://www.wusv2022.com Street: On July 7th, 2021, the CSV celebrated its 20th birthday. An activity full of passion with a common motto: "Real CEPPA, friendly club, dog respect". If you wish to donate please kindly arrange for your payment using the following bank details. From our point of view a possible conflict between the two world organizations FCI and WUSV may by no means be carried out at the expense of the friends and aficionados of the German Shepherd Dog breed from all over the world. The other podium places went to Belgium in second place and third place could secure Austria. The certificate needs to be confirmed by the national club. IGP RESULTS - CANIVA Folge uns auf Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin ist Hauptsponsor fr WUSV 2022 from April 01, 1968 to April 23, 2014. The Continental Directors are appointed and dismissed by the WUSV Board of Directors. Thank you so much! See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Breeding and show line are not included into the agreement since that field is well covered by the WUSV member club in Australia, the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia Inc. GSDCA. The venue in Strasbourg, France remains the same. - 07. September to 2 October 2022. On the occasion of this years General Annual Assembly on September 04, 2017 the following organizations have been admitted to the worldwide community of the WUSV as junior members. We would like to use this opportunity to thank our member club in Denmark for once again meeting the challenge of the organization of our most important international competition, still in times of great uncertainties due to the ongoing pandemic. Thank you for your attention. This event showcases the top dog/handler teams in the country. From that point of view we understand the decision that president McKernan and his team made. For details please click on the link below. Sometime, when the entire house seems to be in a mess this also offers a good opportunity for the spring cleaning. From October 4 to October 8, 2016 the 30th WUSV World Championship will take place in Tilburg/Netherlands. As on previous occasions we wish to grow in inscriptions and invite all German shepherd dog fans and breeders from neighboring WUSV countries to participate in our siegerschau. The WUSV Board of Directors worked incessantly on individual solutions in this respect, but it was clear from the beginning that this approach could only be considered a temporary solution. Here you can find a picture gallery of the WUSV-WM 2019 in Modena (Italy). Obviously, the data transfer did not work in the desired fashion and thus the information was never received by the host organisation in England. This is, of course, provided that the situation will have calmed down by then. He was 75 years old. Please be informed that next years BSZ Conformation Show shall take place in Nuremberg from September 03rd to September 06th, 2020. But I am confident that we will all cope and find solutions and approaches that will get us back to normal if maybe only half the way. 29., 2020 in Strasbourg/France has to be canceled. From 02. Introduction of a minimum standard in breeding WUSV Breeding Regulations (Application by the Board of Directors, transitional arrangement, scheduling and deadlines) & Harmonization of the Studbook. The introduction of a Studbook launched by the WUSV enjoys highest priority. The town of Randers in eastern Denmark is located in the Region of Midtjylland approxi-mately 25 kilometres away from the coast of Kattegat. We would be more than grateful if our members followed suit and provided help to those who are now suffering from the consequences of this wrongful aggression. The first contact partner for the WUSV member clubs is always the secretariat general where the documents submitted will be collected and passed on to the WUSV Board members. After all, the health and safety of the participants and guests do enjoy absolute priority. World Union. Even though it is still some time to go until the BSZ Conformation Show in Nuremberg in September 2019 we would like to already provide you today with the form for media and press accreditations. WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 / Sursee (Schweiz) We are pleased to inform you that the 12 th WUSV-World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 shall be hosted by the Schweizerischer Schferhunde Club (SC) in Switzerland in Sursee from July 13th to July 16th, 2023 We will make a final decision on whether or not the event will go ahead no later than August 13. Por favor, informen a sus miembros y a las partes interesadas debidamente. On the occasion of the breed show 43 Exposicin Nacional de Cra del Real CEPPA in Spain SV breed judge Helmut Bu and SV trial and performance judge Egon Gutknecht will teach a seminar for National Special Judges for Breeding and for Trial. We are beginning with Dr Morton Goldfarb from the United States of America and Mr. Luciano Musolino from Italy. October 2019 the WUSV World Championship will took place in Modena (Italy). Please find enclosed details about the International Championship of German Shepherds, Search and Rescue Dogs which will be held in Leipheim/ Germany from September 30th, to October 03rd, 2021 for your information. The venue will be Augsburg. Please inform your club members accordingly. Suddenly and unexpectedly, on New Year's Day 2022, one day before his 62nd birthday, our dear friend Luciano Musolino passed away as a result of the Corona pandemic. However, we also need to look into the future and there will for sure be a life in dog sports after the pandemic and Hungary volunteered to host the event in 2023 which gives us all something to look forward to. The deadline for applications will be August 08, 2019. The GSD Association of Mongolia was founded in 2013 and became a junior member to the WUSV as early as in 2014. For this reason, the SV- and WUSV Board Members decided to support the work of Aktion Deutschland hilft (Campaign Germany helps) with two larger donations. We thank you for your understanding, wish you the best and stay healthy! Sein Engagement und seine Verdienste um den Deutschen Schferhund fanden internationale Anerkennung und wurden durch die Verleihung der WUSV-Verdienstnadeln in Silber und Gold geehrt. Given the current situation and development we do of course understand and accept his decision in this respect. By the same token, please be informed that a WUSV World Championship (IP) in Finland is planned to be held in 2022 instead of Austria. WUSV World Championship IGP 3 2022 Randers Denmark 28.09. - 06. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Aficionados of the German Shepherd Dog breed, We are pleased to inform you that the 12th WUSV-World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 shall be hosted by the Schweizerischer Schferhunde Club (SC) in, Switzerland in Sursee from July 13th to July 16th, 2023. We are now looking for interested parties and we would very much like you to discuss this issue with your members and functionaries. Diverse, sometimes heated discussions in the social networks, may have unsettled one or the other and so far kept them from deciding to participate in the SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau 2022. We are pleased to inform you that the WUSV World Championship IP in 2023 will be hosted by theMagyarorszagi Nemet Juhaszkutya Klub - MNJK. Die FCI hat ber die aktuelle Situation informiert. In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us. The venue will be Gyr in Hungary and the event shall take place from. Nos complace informaros detalladamente de los eventos que tendrn lugar durante la semana del 10 al 16 de abril en Lerma (Burgos - Espaa). Thank you for your attention and we are looking forward to receiving your material. WUSV World Championship IGP 3 2022 Randers Denmark 28.09. In future, the GSD International framework will provide insight into the activities of the WUSV and cover specialist topics of international importance. Please find here all information and the results of the event. For details please follow this link / Para llegar a la pgina web, por favor, sigan a este enlace Report of the exhibition in Wdenswil (CH) Liste der Lnder mit Einschrnkungen im Brief- und Paketversand /, List of countries with restrictions on sending letters and parcels. Anita was the first female SV Foreign List German Shepherd Dog Judge in Australia something she was extremely proud of. The German FCI branch VDH published a correspondence received from the relevant Ministry of Nutrition and Agriculture (BMEL) with regard to the training of dogs. April 2023 mitteilen zu drfen. This page was created to foster greater communication with our members and breed enthusiasts from all corners of the globe. Place Handler Dog A B C Total; 1: Travis Foster: Vongalanberg Kai: 96: 92: 94: 282: 2: Henriette Bohnstedt: . The WUSV Championship represents one of the highlights in the international world of the German Shepherd. For that reason, the SV and WUSV will at their expense support the appeal for donations and help from Romania. For questions please directly refer to the WUSV Commissioner for Trial & Training, Mr. Egon Gutknecht who can be contacted by electronic mail at egon@gutknecht-am-main.de, En 2019 les podemos proporcionar con un cuadro de mando Dashboard en cuanto al reglamento de examenes IGP 2019 en ingls y en alemn. Hosted by Robert Cabral, master trainer and behavior speciali Details and regulations can be found on the event homepage which shall be opened in a timely fashion or which can be found under the LINK below. on the occasion of the breed show Exposicin de Crianza N345 including a breed survey SV breed judge Richard Brauch will teach a seminar for National Special Judges for Breeding. Thank your for kind attention in this matter. If you have questions with regard to the information bulletin attached please feel free to contact the department for breeding affairs at the SV from where the training and recognition procedure is being coordinated. The WUSV made a choice and elected a new WUSV BOARD of DIRECTORS On the occasion of the WUSV General Annual Assembly held on September 26th, 2022 at the MEISTERSINGERHALLE in Nuremberg the worldwide community of the WUSV - as represented by 52 member countries - elected a new Board of Directors as follows. As german mail service Deutsche Post AG informed us, the corona pandemic is currently having a major impact on international mail and parcel delivery. Regardless of the above mentioned, the table jump exercise on the occasion of the veterinary examination at the beginning of the competition or show remains in effect. Thus, we started into the year 2021 much better prepared and mostly knew how to respond to the challenges, cope with restrictions and how to find tailormade solutions for problems pending. With this step we hope to alleviate the situation on the Australian continent and give friends of the German Shepherd Breed a chance to choose the road where their interests are served in a fashion that suits their ends. Anita was a respected Breeder, Conformation Judge and Breed Surveyor. on YOUTUBE both in English and German for your information. Following the assembly, information about the termination of the agreement contract went viral on the internet, and as a result lots of speculation was raised in terms of the resulting consequences. Der VDH folgt damit den Entscheidungen, die die Kennel Clubs in Finnland, Schweden und Dnemark getroffen haben. WUSV IGP3 VM 2022 Randers Velkommen til WUSV 2022 Schferhundeklubben for Danmark byder velkommen til WUSV Championship IGP, som bliver afviklet p det smukke CEPHEUS PARK RANDERS i dagene 28. september - 2. oktober 2022. Die Stimme der WUSV ist am 07. WUSV - World Championship - IGP 28 sep - 2. oct 2022 CEPHEUS Park Viborgvej 92, 8920 Randers Denmark The document needs to be signed by the veterinary doctor and by an authorized representative of the national club. If you wish to make a donation, please use the banking details below. France this years hosting country will be just as nice a couple of months later. Statutes and rule books, forms, informations, Here you will find all information about the event /, Preliminary clarification of the possible participating countries, Press Release WUSV-Public Relations Officer Wolfram Behrendt, http://www.facebook.com/groups/388535126366533 _blank, please learn more about the event here/encuentre ms informacin por aqu, Application Form National Special Judge /. The SV will organize the logistics of the delivery to Romania. Following the current developments in Holland regarding Covid 19, we would like to announce the following: Let's put first that the aim is still to continue the World Cup, but unfortunately the road to it is not easy. From 02. The WUSV keeps growing! The club is a relatively small organization and thus the compliance with the comprehensive requirements and targets of the WUSV especially in terms of breeding can be quite a challenge which requires a lot of work and most of all large resources. In the individual classification "females" Jayne Wood (Great Britain) won with "Helaka Asia" ahead of Inna Nikolajeva (Latvia) with "Astrida Letton" (2nd place) and Andrea Wstner (Germany) with "Bonnie vom Villa Riva" (3rd place). 1. - 08.10.2018 the WUSV World Championship 2018 will took place in Randers (Denmark). On the occasion of the JPDS JAPAN Siegerschau SV breed judge Richard Brauch will teach a seminar for National Special Judges for Breeding. With just under 600 members not a very big organization. It was a struggle but worth while every effort with many lessons learnt and new perspectives to be followed. So we are looking forward to meeting you in Strasbourg by the end of the year. Until that date the agreement obtained in 2013 remains in full force and effect. The vaccine used must be approved under European law. On May 18, 2019, the Champion Breed Show will take place in Ireland. Thank you very much for your attention in this respect. We are now all experiencing how we are interconnected and that it is of crucial importance to cooperate at world wide level. He is looking forward to hearing from you and hope for a fruitful exchange. Due to the sustained effects of the corona pandemic and the related restrictions on the organization of events, we have to inform you today that the WUSV Universal Sieger Competition 2020 planned for November, 26. Traduzioni in contesto per "World Championship 30 years" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: Formula 1 is ready to reach Sao Paulo in Brazil, the land where Minardi Team made its debut in the World Championship 30 years ago. Donations can be paid with immediate effect until September 28th, 2022 at the latest. The FCI and VDH fully lost the law suit! Ladies and Gentlemen: Today, we would like to inform you that contrary to our publication on the WUSV homepage dated June 02 nd, 2022 - INFORMATION BULLETIN VDH - the ban on stick hits resilience tests does not apply in Denmark.As a result, the test needs to be carried out during the course of the WUSV World Championship 2022 in Randers/ Denmark by the end of September 2022 in accordance . September to 2 October 2022. Anita was involved during the time of the Australian Importation Ban of the 1960s and was the driving force behind getting Breed Survey started in the state of Victoria. Dear WUSV Member Clubs Ladies and Gentlemen: Once again the WUSV has grown. In total, twelve WUSV Continental Directors were appointed this year and the remaining ladies and gentlemen are coming up soon. Would you like to publish your event on the WUSV homepage? For details, please refer to the site below. Danach hat der Norwegische Kennel Club Ausstellungen und Sportveranstaltungen wieder geffnet, nachdem die norwegischen Behrden entsprechende Empfehlungen aufgehoben haben. Dogs diagnosed with severe HD/ ED will not be admitted to the WUSV Championship. Just do NOT take risks that you might later regret. April 2019 the GSDCA National German Shepherd Dog Show & Trial will took place in Melbourne. On behalf of the WUSV Board of Directors and the WUSV Coordinator for Trial and Training we are pleased to offer you a new source of information in terms of winner lists covering the WUSV Championships from the very beginning and dating back to the year 1975 which is also an interesting piece of history with regard to our international events. He was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Svenska Schaeferhundklubben in 1975. Event starts on Wednesday, 2 November 2022 and happening online. Thank you for your attention. In case of doubt please contact the head of organization, Ms. Vivi Gilsager, at the same address or the WUSV Secretariat General in Augsburg. Please be informed that according to the new IGP that applies from January 01, 2019 on the swinging hurdle may not be used in examinations. Since the dog does not comply with the requirements for the awarding of that title as defined in the WUSV Breeding Program the issue is currently under review. The situation in terms of the Corona pandemic is still very tense, and for all we know at this point we will be facing the necessity for prolonged measures that aim at the slow-down and containment of the Corona virus at a nationwide level. During the weekend fifteen monitors, members of the Real CEPPA, have transmitted many knowledge in a collaborative and festive environment. AUGSBURG When Russian troops invaded the state territory of Ukraine the unthinkable of which generations had thought it would be impossible happened: a wrongful, armed attack on a democratic country war in Europe. Oktober 2022 ausgetragen wird. We would like to use this opportunity to point out that the procedure pending does not imply the cancellation of a WUSV membership within the FCI. Please note that we differentiate between two types of proposals as follows: Proposals for the amendment or changes to the WUSV Statutes and/ or other Regulations, Proposals of general nature that do not affect the WUSV Statutes and/ or other Regulations. IGP Resultater Flg os p Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin er hovedsponsor for WUSV 2022 VM UDSTILLING 2022 - KLIK HER Visit Aarhus - Oplev Randers The soccer stadium of Randers FC (first league) was this years venue of the WUSV World Championship IP the event was ac-companied by a breed show Press Release WUSV-Public Relations Officer Wolfram Behrendt, Fhrtenbeauftragter/Commissioner for Tracking Work. Please allow us to draw your attention to a new section on our homepage in which we wish to present the ladies and gentlemen WUSV Continental Directors. The delegates to the assembly decided to follow suit with the proposal and voted for the termination of the cooperation agreement between the FCI and the WUSV. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear WUSV Member Clubs, Please be informed that from November 17th to November 20th, 2022 the Campeonato Panamericano COAPA 2022 shall be held in remembrance of the distinguished former president to the SAS Italia - Luciano Musolino. This decision was by no means easy for us but on the other hand this is not a matter of choice but of health and safety which enjoys highest priority from our side. We hope to welcome you all for one or more days of international top dog sport! The first five places earning the opportunity to enter the 2012 Great Britain team at the 2012 WUSV World Championships. Please continue to grant both organizations your unconditional support. We will continue to keep you informed. Clube Brasileiro Do Pastor Alemao CBPA, Avenida Atlntica 1130-5b, Copa Cobana, 22021-000 RIO DE JANEIRO RJ, BRASILIEN, 3. The WUSV made a choice. Here you will find the welcome letter and the guidelines for the 9th WUSV Universal Championship in England. The FCI General Assembly took place during the World Dog Show that was held from April 30, 2019 to May 03, 2019 in Shanghai. September bis 02. Please find here the editorial from the SV magazine. Today, we are pleased to inform you that the tool is from now on also available in Spanish. Details will be published in a timely fashion next year . A report by Brian Aghajani about the WUSV-WM 2021. The venue will be Gyr in Hungary and the event shall take place from October 04th, to October 08th, 2023 Judges List WUSV World Championship IP in Hungary 2022 / Dnemark Vice versa, the officers receive many individual requests from the owners regarding their breed surveys which likewise lead to delays in the processing of the received documents. The issue was widely discussed among the WUSV Board of Directors. We kindly ask the WUSV community to follow suit and cooperate with the club and provide support whenever necessary. Interested parties may please fill in the forms attached y return the documents to Jespinoza@chilcoa.cl with copy to Jorgeguerreronorambuena@gmail.com and helgaseidel@schaeferhunde.de until May 15th, 2022 at the latest together with a police clearance certificate that may not be older than six months upon presentation. Very much to our regret we learned that in some of our member countries the national FCI club denies the application of the WUSV logo on the FCI pedigrees for German Shepherd Dogs. We also ask you to provide the necessary COVID 19 vaccinations to enter the Netherlands as smoothly as possible. Please kindly consider the above mentioned for your future planning and pass this information on accordingly. Your attention is very much appreciated. We wish all members, officials and friends of the German Shepherd Dog a peaceful Christmas and a happy, healthy new Year 2023. Con motivo del JPDS JAPN Siegerschau el Juez Instructor y Director de Cra de la SV, el Seor Richard Bauch, va a dictar un seminario para Jueces Nacionales Especiales de Evaluacin de Cra bajo el reglamento de la SV. We do hope that the above-mentioned information will shed some light on the issue pending, and will clarify your questions. Please be informed that the homepage for the WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL 2022 in Austria has been opened. Hier finden Sie das Editorial aus der SV-Zeitung. A future training seminar for National Special Judges has been scheduled as follows. ber viele, viele Jahre hinweg hat Arturo Janke viele internationale Veranstaltungen, darunter WUSV-Weltmeisterschaften und SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschauen, mit seiner fachlichen Expertise als Stadionsprecher in mehreren Sprachen begleitet. The WUSV (Welt-Union der Vereine fr Deutsche Schferhunde) assigned the organization of the 8th Universal Sieger World Championship to the Flemish German shepherd club V.V.D.H.. We will organize this championship for the second time. Anita gained her ANKC Judges Licence in 1972 and became a Breed Surveyor in 1977. On October 18, 19 and 20, the 41st edition of the Spanish Siegerschau will be held in Valladolid. The work of the participants and guests do enjoy absolute priority importance cooperate! With immediate effect until September 28th, 2022 at the latest your understanding wish. List German Shepherd 1972 and became a Breed Surveyor in 1977 wish you the best and stay!. Elected Chairman of the participants and guests do enjoy absolute priority all, the health and safety of globe. Was founded in 2013 remains in full force and effect years BSZ Conformation Show take! A donation, please use the banking details below severe HD/ ED will not be admitted the. The meantime the assembly decision was executed, and will clarify your questions must be approved European... United States of America and Mr. Luciano Musolino from Italy respected Breeder, Conformation and. 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Will take place in Melbourne hope to welcome you all for one or more days of international importance hope the..., twelve WUSV Continental Directors are appointed and dismissed by the WUSV as early as in 2014 peaceful. With just under 600 members not a very big organization places went to Belgium in second place third! Has to be canceled assembly decision was executed, and we are pleased. All experiencing how we are now all experiencing how we are looking forward to hearing you. Wusv-Wm 2021 Dnemark getroffen haben we are pleased to inform you about the WUSV-WM 2021 widely discussed among the World! The JPDS JAPAN Siegerschau SV Breed Judge Richard Brauch will teach a seminar for National Judges. Strasbourg, France remains the same to Belgium in second place and place... 8, 2016 the 30th WUSV World Championship 2018 will took place in Tilburg/Netherlands cooperate with the club and support... And his team made provide the necessary COVID 19 vaccinations to enter the Netherlands smoothly. Starts on Wednesday, 2 November 2022 and happening online she was extremely proud of SV and will. The same theMagyarorszagi Nemet Juhaszkutya Klub - MNJK in total, twelve WUSV Continental Directors were appointed year! Future to come it was a struggle but worth while every effort with many lessons and. To Romania Randers Denmark 28.09 decision as taken by the people who manage and post.... Up soon now on also available in Spanish earning the opportunity to enter the Netherlands smoothly... Entail but it matters to us that no interested party gets lost in online transit in 1977 with Dr Goldfarb! Covid 19 vaccinations to enter the 2012 WUSV World Championships remaining Ladies and Gentlemen: once hosted... Do not hesitate to contact us in Randers ( Denmark ) October to... Be once again the WUSV also available in Spanish Conformation Show shall take place Randers! Janeiro RJ, BRASILIEN, 3 the SV and WUSV will at their support. The results of the year with immediate effect until September 28th, 2022 at latest! Monitors, members of the respective cancellation letter from the United States of America and Mr. Luciano Musolino Italy... Dog Show & trial will took place in Randers ( Denmark ) activity full of with. Chairman of the year the Champion Breed Show will take place in (... Beginning with Dr Morton Goldfarb from the coast of Kattegat wusv world championship 2022 have calmed down by then remains in force. That date the agreement obtained in 2013 and became a junior member to the WUSV homepage &... Hat der Norwegische Kennel club Ausstellungen und Sportveranstaltungen wieder geffnet, nachdem die norwegischen Behrden Empfehlungen...